Digital Marketing is the best means today for marketing products and services to the target audience you are looking for!

Kalox Studio Covers

Good Marketing isn’t just good ads. It’s being able to make people feel something amazing.

Google Adwards

Facekook Ads

Instagram Ads

TikTok Ads

LinkedIn Ads

YouTube Ads

WhatsApp Ads

Messaging (SMS) Adverts

See Result For Yourself

We Are Proud To Show-Case Results!

At Kalox Studio, we believe in transparency and hard work to get your desired targeted clients. We help our clients with excellent E-commerce and info-product industry case studies.

We share it all whether we made NLe 25,500 or NLe 150,500 for our clients. We are not ashamed to hide the fact.

Feel Free to go through our Results!

No hidden secrets. Just amazing client growth and brand scaling. At Kalox Studio, we help provide accurate and amazing results for our clients. 

Feel Free to go through our Results!

No hidden secrets in digital marketing. Just amazing client growth and brand scaling. At Kalox Studio, we help provide accurate and amazing results for our clients.

At Kalox Studio, we pride ourself as the New Force of Africa when it comes to Digital Marketing.

We firmly believe in the power of digital media to improve lives and empower individuals.

Our unique blend of specialist knowledge and experience in understanding clients’ complex issues affecting different sectors.

Digital Marketing Services

Digital Marketing allows for the easiest and best means today for marketing products and services to the target audience you are looking for! Through our multi-channel digital marketing solutions we enable campaigns that inspire and promote action from your customers.

Google Ads

Kalox Studio team always focuses on positioning your E-commerce or Services business on page one of Google through the broad, phrase, and exact match keywords.

Facebook & Instagram Ads

We all know that Facebook is one of the biggest platforms these days. We always focus on positioning your e-commerce or services business to the right clients through Facebook and Instagram Ads.

TikTok Ads

According to our forecast, TikTok will have 834.3 million monthly users worldwide in 2023. It is now the third-largest of the Big Five worldwide social networks (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and Twitter). Kalox Studio will help you reach your client with Tiktok Ads.

YouTube Ads

According to the latest statistics, the number of YouTube users (defined as those who use YouTube at least once a month) has been growing year after year. In 2023, the total number of YouTube users worldwide is forecast to hit 868.4 million, a 10.6% increase from 2022. Kalox Studio experts will help you reach potential clients on YouTube through Ads.

LinkedIn Ads

According to Kalox Studio expert research, LinkedIn will have at least 922.3 million members* worldwide in April 2023 based on its global advertising audience reach numbers. This figure suggests that 16.4% of all people aged 18 and above around the world have an account on LinkedIn today.

WhatsApp Ads

Latest WhatsApp updates for click to WhatsApp ads in June 2023. Previously, to create a click-to-WhatsApp ad, you would need to have a Facebook account linked to your WhatsApp Business Account. Now, you can create click-to-WhatsApp ads without the need for a Facebook account

Our Digital Marketing Process


Our first step in any digital marketing campaign is the understanding of your business and goals for the campaign. We will decide which platforms to work with including Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, Google Ads, etc in order to set up your digital infrastructure for the campaign.


we always try to see what is working and resonating with the customer. We track all goals, and work to make sure all points are working in a 360 integrated campaign. We will test continuously to see what works best for you.


We position the campaigns to have more information to see what is exactly working and what is not. We look to bring the awareness further to lead to conversions, and gain leading positions across social and search engines.


Through expansion the end goal is always to reach viral growth. Growth where your company grows significantly along with it. Through working with your built up communities, follower networks, and leads incoming you can create an environment for success.

Digital Marketing

In today’s world, entrepreneurs believe that marketing products and services to the target audience they are looking for is through Digital Marketing. With Kalox Studio’s multi-channel digital marketing solutions, we enable campaigns that inspire and promote action from your customers.

To get performing cross-channel campaigns with the right digital strategy, you need professional experts to help deliver the right digital strategy to boost your business.

kalox Studio always delivers campaigns focusing on strategy, execution, analysis, and optimization. This enables us to maximize efficiency and, in turn, optimize your budgets to their fullest potential.

We deliver Digital Marketing solutions for Google Adwords, Instagram Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Tiktok Ads, Blog Articles, and so much more.

If you need our service, don’t be shy to connect with our experts anytime via Email, WhatsApp, SMS, Forms, and Live Chat.

Get Pricing Now, and let’s begin the path together to deliver excellence for your customers.


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