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    Kalox Studio employ professionals who are experts in creating high-quality Corporate Promo Videos that fix all businesses. Get a Promo Video for your Business in a Minute.

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    Kalox Studio is one of Dubai’s Largest Studios that provides excellent Service. We Employs Professional Editors who have Worked with these Major Studios.

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Art of Video Editing From Real Hollywood Pros

At KALOX STUDIO, We Assemble, craft, and fine-tune our work as we mold the characters on the screen and build your story on our timeline. We always begin by downloading all the footage, music, and sound effects as we introduce you to Video Editing.

Dive deep into your story structure and prepare our timeline for editing. We will start slow, rough-cutting the first scene. And move on to playing with time and space as you experiment with dramatic montages, flashbacks, dream sequences, and cross-cutting between scenes.

Next, we edit creatively and build rich layers of immersive foley sound. Finally, you will re-time actor/product performances using special effects, incorporate techniques like jump-cutting and stylizing our footage, and experiment with building new moments using hidden Jem dailies that solve story problems and allow us to explore what’s possible with a bit of imagination.

As we assemble the full feature on the timeline, we will go further into the pacing and crafting effective transitions to connect all the pieces. And finally, we polish our cut as we mix the audio and color and grade the footage, preparing the video to be shared with your audience.

Kalox Studio is one of Dubai’s Largest Studios that provides excellent Service. We Employs Professional Editors who have Worked with these Major Studios.

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